Sobre mí/About me

I am a native Spanish teacher of arts and languages living in UK, Bristol.  I have experience working on a various academies and secondary schools teaching different subjects among which are Spanish linguistics and Literature, English, History, Art History, Latin, Geography and Ancient Greek.

I am graduated in Humanities (“Licenciatura en Humanidades”; 5 years of study) by Pablo Olavide´s University in Seville, Spain. I also own CAP degree (Pedagogical Aptitude Certificate) and I have applied to Secondary Teacher as civil servant in Spain two times (2010 and 2014) having passed both, and I have also been working as a private tutor by my own for years.

Because I was born in Spain, I know perfectly my country, not only the language, but also the customs, folklore and history.

Related with teaching Spanish language, beside of my experience and knowledge in teaching Spanish linguistic and literature, I also took the following courses within the degree:

– “the spoken Spanish”

– “speaking and writing in Spanish teaching”

– “the new language discipline in teaching Spanish”

– “literary texts in teaching Spanish as a second language”

If you want to get some Spanish lessons, just send me a message to my e-mail and I´ll inform you about prices and availability. I also take groups If you are interested in and Skype lessons are also available.

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